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Steve Harvey Says,
"You've got to


If you're on this website, it's because you need help. People don't show up on a ministry website when every day is just wonderful, they show up when things are bad. Steve Harvey knows all about that.


Joel Osteen tells the story that when Steve was a small boy, he was given a school assignment to write about what he wanted to be when he grew up.


Steve and I are in the same age group and we both grew up in the days of clean stand-up comedians. We watched comics like David Brenner, Moms Mabley and Jonathan Winters on The Mike Douglas and Merv Griffin shows. It was then that Steve decided that he wanted to be on TV making people laugh, so that's what he wrote.


On the day the kids turned in their papers, his teacher was reading through them making comments like "Johnny wants to be a Fireman...very brave, Johnny! Nancy wants to be nurse...good for you Nancy." On and on. When she got to Steve's paper, she had him come stand in front of the class. He thought she was going to commend him for his lofty goals.


"Steven" she said, "Your paper says that you want to be on TV making people laugh." "Yes, Ma'm..." he answered. Instead of commending him, she started to berate him. "Does anyone in your family do that?" She asked. "No Ma'm." he replied. "Do you know anyone who does that?" "No Ma'm." Well then, what makes you think you can do that? Now I want you to take this paper home and show it to your parents. Then I want you to re-write this paper and write about something you can actually do!"


Steve was, of course embarrassed. He took the paper home and showed it to his father. When his father read the paper, he read it with a great deal of interest. He then looked at Steve and told him, "This is what you do. Tonight write about any career you want to and turn it in tomorrow. What you write about really doesn't matter, but I want you to take this paper and put it in your dresser. Every day when you get up, I want you to read it. Every night before you go to bed, I want you to read it again." As you know, Steve has had his own sit-com, has his own daytime TV talk show, has his own radio show, is the current host of the Family Feud TV game show, is the host of the "Little Big shots" TV show and is a best selling author. It looks like his teacher was wrong about Steve and if anyone is telling you that can't realize your dreams, they're wrong  about you too.


At one time, Steve Harvey lived in his car while working to make it in stand-up comedy. Now he's a multi-millionaire. Steve is a devoted Christian who knows he can depend on God for help, and has his own of idea of what works. You just can't argue with success and Steve is very successful. Watch this video and learn what you and God can do together. If you're going to make it in life and not just exist, you've got to  jump!


After you listen to Steve, click the yellow link to go to our Power page and find out how get the power of God to work in your life!

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